For a restaurant Food Parida?
Buying property with the tenant as fast food chain McDonalds, Burger King, KFC stands for garantizada.El term profitability Fast Food - fast food originated in America in the 1950s and from this time conquered the world a whole. In our era of globalization and high speeds there is not always sufficient for a full lunch break time. Here come into play rápida.Estos food chain restaurants are almost always located in the busiest parts of the city. Department of Commerce network has enough experience in all countries to find the best locations for restaurants with a guaranteed stream of customers. That is, you can be sure that market research was done with the best profesionales.Las fast food chains are not afraid to & nbsp; no crisis. If the economic situation in the country worsens, many people can not afford, as before, the output to an expensive restaurant. But one can not stop eating. Fast food has been dedicated to meeting basic human needs, fast food restaurants offer a standardized and affordable dishes with fast and quality service together. During the crisis, the number of clients increases in McDonalds And when the economy begins to grow, stock restaurants grow together with the index & nbsp;! In the stock market, which provides additional networks capitalization and the ability to open new restaurantes.Con a tenant of this type can not be missed! Due to high demand of these assets is not always easy to find an attractive offer in the market for real estate investments. But in our Porfolio there are always interesting offers. We guarantee a personal selection of properties, corresponding to investment possibilities and hope your rentabilidad.Llámenos, we are happy to work with you!